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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Children and young people’s mental health services: can you help?

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Mental health, User research

Two people looking at posters about children and young people's mental health services

Mental health is one of NHSX’s priority areas. Our team have started a discovery focusing on children and young people (CYP).

It’s recently been reported that children and young people are waiting up to 10 months to access treatment from mental health providers and this varies by region. Our discovery is exploring the opportunities to support children and young people in preparation for their first appointment or upcoming treatment.

We care about making sure that users are at the heart of this work. Can you help us to reach out to groups of young people, parents and staff?

What do we want to find out?

  • children and young people’s needs and experiences waiting for mental health support
  • parent’s experiences including challenges, touchpoints and information needs
  • how the service is being delivered including perspectives and challenges of staff and health professionals

What is happening?

Over the next 6 weeks, our team are conducting:

  • reviews of previous research 
  • workshops with Young Person’s Advisory Groups and networks
  • home visits and remote interviews with parents or guardians
  • site visits to locations delivering mental health services in the NHS 

Who are we looking for?

  • groups of children and young people aged between 8-25 who are either currently waiting or have recently waited for support 
  • parents of children and young people in the categories above
  • health professionals delivering mental health services in the NHS (including CYPMHS (CAMHS) staff, GPs and therapists)

Your participation is really important for improving these services. If you’re interested in taking part or can help us reach out to these user groups, please get in touch at

If you have any previous research or want to give feedback to the team then please contact us through this feedback form

We’re also sharing weekly updates here.


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  1. Comment by ADRIAN BAILEY posted on

    Hi Digi research people - is this work just looking at England NHS or whole UK ?

    • Replies to ADRIAN BAILEY>

      Comment by Nick Rees posted on

      Hi Adrian, we are working in partnership with NHS England so our focus for this discovery is England only.

      • Replies to Nick Rees>

        Comment by ADRIAN BAILEY posted on

        thanks Nick - anything posted on GOV.UK can cause confusion for devolved nations , we know health is devolved in Wales but always need to check as unless people state 'England only' it could be for us,

        If you have any influence on GOV.UK content please always insist it is county specific if possible ,

  2. Comment by ADRIAN BAILEY posted on

    no problem , looking forward to seeing your findings/results / recommendations


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