Digital services
In the NHS website, we have an amazing resource of validated health information, written by a dedicated team involving doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physios and others expert in their area. The number of people accessing the website is increasing all the time. …
Screening is a way of finding out if people are at higher risk of a health problem. NHSX are exploring how to improve the technology used for screening services.
NHSX CEO Matthew Gould talks about the priorities and plan for NHSX
Understanding people’s behaviour is vital to designing better services. NHSX user researcher shares some tips on how you can get this right.
NHSX CEO Matthew Gould talks about the NHS App and what it says about NHSX’s wider approach to technology
NHSX on the benefits of open-source technology.
At the beginning of our journey as one of the 16 acute Global Digital Exemplar (GDE) sites, we challenged ourselves with the question, “What does it mean to work at a GDE?” The diverse responses reflected the enormous opportunities that …
Voice recognition tools are fun... but they aren’t transformative on their own. They have little practical value in the NHS until clinicians can routinely use one to accurately transcribe consultations and streamline administrative processes. As a patient, accessing and contributing to … glad it’s here now. This approach - and others like it - must become commonplace throughout our health and care system. NHS England is working closely with all the...